They're not programmers, or authors, or employed by a company that makes even its secondary or tertiary income through computers. 他们不是程序员、作家,甚至从事与计算机毫无相关的工作。
We will strengthen the role of fiscal and taxation policies in adjusting the primary and secondary distribution of income. 加大财政、税收在收入初次分配和再分配中的调节作用。
You may eventually find that you can turn your secondary income into a full-time business. 最终,你也许就会发现自己可以将产生第二收入的工作转变为全职事业。
On the question of absolute rather than relative American decline, the US faces serious problems in areas such as debt, secondary education, income in ¬ equality and political gridlock but these are only part of the picture. 在美国绝对(而非相对)衰落的问题上,美国在债务、中学教育、收入不平等以及政治僵局等领域面临严峻问题,但这些只是整个图景的一部分。
To build up harmonious society have been an important agenda, need a good social stratum, need class of secondary income enlarge. 而社会的和谐稳定、民众的共同富裕,都离不开社会阶层结构的优化、中等收入者阶层的不断扩大。
Secondary school leaving or equivalent.-previous experience with cashiering, banking and income audit advantageous.-computer keyboard skills.-basic accounting background. 大专或同等学历-之前有出纳,银行和收入审计的工作经验-电脑键盘操作技能-基础会计知识。
Major reasons are as follows: right of rationed share acquisition and secondary financing is an important scarce resource and has rich income, which correlates closely with Chinese specific securities issuing institution. 原因基于:上市资格与再融资资格在我国是重要的稀缺资源,具有丰厚的收益,这是和我国特殊的股票发行制度密切相关。
During the RATS monopolied years advertising was a secondary source of income of media, the main source being the household licence fees. 在RAI一统天下时,广告只是收入的第二来源,收入的主要来源是电视收视费。自从七十年代商业电台和电视台出现后,广告就变成了统治广播市场的最重要的收入来源。
Analysis suggested that rational selective cutting was a simple and effective method for forest form improvement of secondary masson pine forest, which not only improved its ecological function, but also increased intermediate income. 分析表明,对马尾松次生林的科学择伐经营,不仅显著增强了松林的生态功能,而且还增加了中间收入,是一种简单易行、成本低、效果好的林相改造措施。
IPO underpricing refers to the stock issue price significantly lower than the IPO first day closing price, investors can subscribe for new shares through a secondary market spreads for excess income. IPO抑价指股票发行价格显著低于新股上市首日的收盘价格,因此认购新股的投资者能够通过一二级市场的价差获得超额收益。
The sources of Occupational Well-being of Secondary School Principal are: they love the career of education, they are satisfied with the income of this job, gain occupational achievement, and they are recognized by other people and accomplish heart contentment. 本文认为我国中学校长职业幸福感主要来源于对教育事业的热爱,对从事校长这份职业收益的满意,取得职业成就,得到他人认同,以及获得内心的满足感。
The shift of rural labor, on one hand, promotes the development of secondary and tertiary-industry when connected with urban; on the other hand, contributes to enhancing employment and increasing peasants 'income when connected with country. 农村劳动力的转移,一头连着城镇,推动着第二、三产业发展;一头连着农村,对农民就业增收有现实作用。
The research show that: the secondary industry development level of county economy, the average schooling of labor force, the rural per capita net income, the natural population growth rate, the urbanization rate, the fixed assets investment in rural areas and per capita land. 县域经济第二产业发展水平、劳动力平均受教育年限、农民人均纯收入、人口自然增长率、城镇化率、人均耕地、农村固定资产投资完成额等因素都对剩余劳动力转移有着明显影响。
With the increasing number of people who finish secondary school education and with the increasing income of individual families, students are willing to attend universities. This as well demands for higher education in counties. 随着完成高中教育的人数的增加,个人(家庭)收入的提高,个人就读大学意愿的增长等,县级地区具有高等教育的现实需求。
On the other hand, improving the market tax issues, market order and stability in the primary market and secondary market under the premise of a fair tax, levy income tax system must be strengthened. 另一方面,完善市场税收问题,稳定市场秩序,在使一级市场和二级市场税负公平的前提下,必须加强所得税的开征。